2025 in Cannizaro Park

Good news for Cannizaro Park as we head into 2025… We will bring you more detail on our Cannizaro@80 plans (our 5 year programme of renovations before the Park’s 80th birthday in ‘29), but by way of a sneak preview: we will undertake major restoration work on the Pond Area and Bog Garden this year as well as delivering work on more accessible paths and signage around the park.

Underpinning our success is the incredible dedication of our existing volunteers, a community that has expanded over recent times. If you would like to get a ‘green workout’ or offer your skills in any other way in the work of The Friends of Cannizaro Park, please get in touch by email at [email protected]. Wishing you happy and enriching moments in the Park in 2025.

Support the Friends

We always welcome new members and volunteers to help The Friends of Cannizaro Park.


The Friends of Cannizaro Park (FoCP) is a registered charity, working for the maintenance and improvement of the Park for the benefit of the community. We’re a small committee of trustees and many dedicated volunteers who give up their time to ensure that the park remains a jewel in Wimbledon’s crown, a haven for wildlife and an attraction for all its many visitors.

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Cannizaro Park is sited on prehistoric swamplands, which when they dried out, left the park with its gravel topsoil and acid subsoil. In the early 1700s, what became known as the Cannizaro estate extended out towards Kingston, covering a much larger area than the current 35 acres.

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Jubilee Walk

Planned to coincide with the Platinum Jubilee year of HM Queen Elizabeth II, the existing cherry planting has been extended with new specimen trees to create an avenue of spring colour, underplanted with bulbs.

Hotel Flowering Border

In September 2023, The Friends took on redesigning and maintaining the long flower bed by Hotel du Vin, creating a vibrant, insect-friendly display through spring, summer, and autumn with drought-resistant, low-maintenance plants.

Valley Path

The Friends have been successful in applying for Civic Pride funds to facilitate the renovation of the Valley Path, including improved drainage and resurfacing to address accessibility and health and safety concerns in this area. This has been undertaken and will be completed in late Spring 2024.

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