Welcome to the Tree Collection

In Cannizaro Park, we have one of the most diverse collections of trees in Greater London. There are over 200 species in the Park, and information about a selection of these is available here.

More than 30 trees in the Park have been recognised as ‘Champions’ for Greater London by The Tree Register of the British Isles (TROBI) in their extensive database, which means that they are the tallest and/or have the thickest trunks (largest girth) of their species. Two of these are of national significance:

Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)

Located beside the path through Birch Grove. An England and British Isles Champion for its girth. It has therefore been ‘awarded’ a blue label by TROBI.

Alder-leaved Whitebeam (Sorbus alnifolia)

Near Maple Avenue on the Back Lawn. An England Champion for its height.

TROBI has also designated many of the Park’s trees as ‘Remarkable’ because they are significant examples of their species:

In addition, there are a number of trees noted as ‘Veterans’ by the Woodland Trust in their Ancient Tree Inventory (ATI), meaning that they have some of the features found on an ‘Ancient’ tree but are not so old. However, they may already show signs of decay, fungus, or dead wood and provide holes, cavities, and crevices, which are especially important for wildlife.

Tree Labels & Measurement

Many trees in the Park have been labelled with their common and scientific name, together with a QR code containing information about the tree and a link to this website. It is recommended that you download a dedicated QR code reader app to fully access this information, such as QR Pro (iPhone only), available free from Crypto Inc, or QRbot (iPhone and Android phone) free from TeaCapps.

Also, many of the Park’s Champion trees have been, and are being, re-measured to update the TROBI database.

Tree Trail Maps

Tree trail maps have been produced and are available to download (see below). These include a Champions’ Trail, a Veterans’ Trail, and Seasonal Trails.

Tree Information

Information on the Tree Collection is organised by named location areas in the Park (see list below). Just click on a location, and you will discover the trees in that area. Then choose an individual tree to see its position on the satellite image, where the relevant tree icon will bounce. To find out the detailed information and see photos click the icon. You can also select the following special tree categories: Champion Trees, Remarkable Trees, and Veteran Trees.

Tree Planting

Every year, more trees are planted by the Park Volunteers to add to the collection.

Map Legend:
  • Broadleaf
  • Conifer
  • Deciduous Conifer
  • Evergreen Broadleaf
  • Palm

Park Areas

Gardener's Cottage (1)
Iris Beds (1)
Sorbus Avenue (1)

Tree Trails

Conifer Trees Trail
Oak Trees Trail
Veteran and Notable Trees Trail
Late Spring Trail
Summer Trail
Autumn Trail
Winter Trail
Champion Trees Trail