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Part 1: Statement of Intent
- This is the health and safety policy of The Friends of Cannizaro Park (“FOCP”) for volunteers
who undertake maintenance and renewal activities in the park. It is designed to manage health
and safety risks in the volunteering activities of FOCP.
- Our health and safety policy is to:
a. prevent accidents and cases of ill health arising from volunteering activities;
b. provide clear instructions and information to the volunteers;
c. consult with our volunteers on matters affecting their health and safety;
d. provide and maintain safe equipment;
e. ensure safe handling of equipment and use of substances;
f. implement emergency procedures in the case of any significant incident;
- The policy will be reviewed regularly and updated where necessary.
- The Health and Safety Officer is Anne Peacock – [email protected]
Part 2: Key Contact
- Any questions about this health and safety policy should be directed to the Health and Safety Officer
- All volunteers should:
a. co-operate with the lead volunteer on health and safety matters;
b. take reasonable care of their own health and safety;
c. and report all health and safety concerns to the Health and Safety Officer;
Part 3: Arrangements for Health and Safety
Risk Assessment
- We will complete relevant risk assessments and take action where necessary
- We will review risk assessments when conditions in which volunteering activities are carried out change
- We will consult volunteers routinely on health and safety matters as they arise and when we
- Review our health and safety policy
- We will give volunteers health and safety induction and provide appropriate guidance for the
- Carrying on volunteering activities in a safe manner
Accidents and Emergencies
- We will ensure procedures are in place to respond to and deal with any accidents or emergencies that occur in the carrying on of volunteering activities and that volunteers are aware of those procedures
- A first aid kit will be maintained at all times by the Health and Safety Officer for the treatment of any minor injuries sustained by volunteers in the carrying on of volunteering activities
- An Incident Book is located in the Aviary by the first aid kit; any accidents or incidents will be reported in this book either by the person involved, a witness, or the Volunteer team leader.